1TRASHEMPTIER is a 'drag and drop' application that performs two functions: selective wastebasket file trash and immediate disk, file and folder deletion.
2nd Line.sea 54711
No Description Available
3D-Edit 27560
3-d edit modeling
68030 Cache Control.cpt 14256
Cache control for 69030 processsor macs
@ResetPorts 1.0.0.cpt 5198
resets your ADB ports to their factory defaults
Add/Strip 3.0.2.cpt 120879
Comprehensive text editing utility. Great for DTP and or transferring files across platforms.
Add/Strip2.9.cpt 71164
text processor that lets you add/strip files from the mac to ibm and back
AddressBook 34904
create and maintain an electronic address book
ADOBE FNTDWL 5.0.4.cpt 71820
Postscript font downloader v5.0.4
Alias Director 3.3.1.sit 46770
Alias Director Version 3.3.1 was written to make creating, using, and deleting aliases as easy as possible.
Alias Director 3.4.3.sit 48699
Alias Director is an application that streamlines life with aliases. Can create aliases in your favorite places, find original, do a Get Info, find and move aliases to the trash, and more using simple drag&drop.
AliasAssasin.cpt 33561
searches for orphanned alias files and deletes them
AliasBOSS2.cpt 68159
System 7 alias management tool
AliasDirector3.3.2.sea 73378
No Description Available
AliasMaker 1.1 ƒ.cpt 4877
Alias management and creation utility
AliasThis!.sea 25760
No Description Available
AliasZoo 1.4.1.cpt 63538
Sys 7 Alias Management utility
alok13.sit 42744
AutoLock 1.3 & LockSmith 1.3 - 2 utilities that help alleviate the problems of children (or clumbsy adults) may have acidentally quitting applications under Multifinder or System 7.x. Very nice interface.
Alpha.4.01.cpt 211863
No Description Available
AlphaSound.cpt 24919
The purpose of AlphaSound is one that has traditionally been done by “INITs”—it plays a sound when you start up your Mac. AlphaSound requires the new Sound Manager and the new File Manager in System 7.
AmazingPaintDEMO.cpt 125269
great paint program demo
AnalogClock.sea 18293
No Description Available
ANSIWriter.sea 15542
No Description Available
Any Calls 1.1.cpt 11457
monitors phone line and records any incoming calls.
Apollo 0.5ß1.cpt 35478
Apollo adds an apple launching menu (similiar to on cue)
AppDisk 1.4.sea 34846
No Description Available
Apple Slicer 1.0.cpt 11260
Apple Slicer is a utility which splits the apple menu into several sub-menus to improve the ergonomy. The menu’s items are split into sub-menus on the basis of their alphabetical order
AppleEase1.4.sea 32975
No Description Available
AppleMenuAdd 1.0.sea 29702
No Description Available
Applicon 2.1.cpt 46979
Applicon 2.1 puts up a "tile" for each application you have running under MultiFinder or Sys 7. The tile representing an app displays the application's icon and name. If you click a tile, the application will come to the front.
Applicon.sea 57158
No Description Available
AppMenu4.cpt 11739
ApplicationMenu is a simple INIT that provides a popup menu of the currently applications under MultiFinder™ or System 7.
AppTree.cpt 30657
The AppTree is a simple application that searches all the applications available on mounted volumes and builds up a hierarchical menu.
Arriba!SEARCH.cpt 42687
Search utility for System 7
Attention 1.0.1.sit 9043
Attention 1.0.1 is a cdev that lets you control the way background applications behave when they need user attention. Attention lets you choose which sound is played when a background application wants to tell you something.
attoClock.cpt 9601
attoClock is a very small application (4,931 bytes) for System 7 that displays a digital clock in a small window. It has intentionally few features.
Auspice v3.0.1.sea 73560
No Description Available
AutoClock 1.3 ƒ.cpt 127582
No Description Available
B4Dark Import File(15).cpt 17403
import textures for use with Before Dark
Bad Block Scanner.cpt 19538
This fast program scans your SCSI chain for devices such as mounted harddrives and then scans for bad blocks.
Bail.cpt 38988
If you've ever accidentally launched a program and had to wait for it to completely load before you could quit it, you need Bail. Bail gives you an opportunity early in the launch cycle of the application to quit.
Bar Coder 1.5 SEA 43771
No Description Available
BatchPrinter™1.3.cpt 6533
Batch printing utility
No Description Available
BBEdit 2.1.3.sea 165630
No Description Available
BBEdit 2.2.2.sea 501887
No Description Available
BBS LIST 27776
No Description Available
So you think you know the Beatles, eh? Try out this Beatles trivia program.
BeforeDark1.0.3.sit 55948
Add colorful desktop patterns to your mac desktop (just like WallPaper). Bug fix release. Entire mport module rewritten & includes new patterns. Shareware $10.
bePatriotic.cpt 4069
Election season is here, and the patriotic spirit seems to be a little lacking. So to get that patriotic spirit rockin’, I wrote this little thingy so you can show your colors on your Mac! beP only works with System 7 & up.
Biorhythms! ƒ.cpt 7165
chart your physical and mental wellbeing
BiPlane2.03.sea 121019
No Description Available
Birdseye 1.1.cpt 10549
animated desktop cartoon character with cursor sensitive eyes
BlackHoleIII.cpt 16796
Yet another Black Hole trash can replacement. But mine requires System 7. The others don't even work w/ it. Also shareware one dollar. Read docs.
Blind Monitors 1.0.2.cpt 19940
BLIND MONITORS 1.0.2 solves the problem of losing your windows and/or cursor when one or more of your multiple screens are not connected or switched on. I've found this one _very_ useful. And it's an application _not_ an extension! Shareware.
Blocker.cpt 60876
New Blocker v1.02
BNDL Banger v.1.3.sea 34350
No Description Available
BootMan.cpt 11394
Program that lets you view and edit your macs bootblock information., Docs included.
BOSS V3.0.sea 70784
No Description Available
bottles99.cpt 178758
play 88 bottles of beer on the wall
Buggli 44117
Bugglings is a program that simulates life in a test tube, with tiny bugs swimming around, feeding on food particles & reproducing.
Bully.sea 18174
No Description Available
Bumpaint 1.0.sea 101134
No Description Available
Buttonpad.cpt 46532
No Description Available
byebye.cpt 13858
Logs Appleshare client off after a set period to allow others to log on to the server. Really expands the use of FileShare. Includes a System-7 remount utility.
New harddrive, cdrom, floppy catalogger. Uses a finder-like interface for launching, searching and mounting media.
CHEAP Color2.cpt 41347
print color docs on your Imagewriter II
CheapTalk.cpt 6270
With CheapTalk and Macintalk installed in your system folder, type anything and your Macintosh will say it back. CheapTalk is a small (5k) application that is System 6 thru 7.1 compatible.
Clement's Toolbar 5.1.1.cpt 68115
Microsoft Word 5.1a modified toolbar that displays 30 buttons when displayed vertically. Requires 13"/14" monitor with 640X480 resolution. Only for Microsoft Word 5.1a users.
ClientBase.cpt 34653
No Description Available
ClipClop.cpt 42029
ClipClop is a nifty application that allows you to use _multiple_ Clipboards along with improved integrated _multiple_ custom Scrapbooks with applications. You can print, save (to text or PICT format), and read text or PICT files
CodeMaker.sea 126730
No Description Available
ColorFloppyMaker.cpt 7161
drop a floppy disk onto this program, eject the disk and re-insert it, poof....a new color disk icon! This drag & drop utility created with Make AutoTyper.
ColorIt!.sit 612813
No Description Available
Colorize 3 ƒ.cpt 7080
No Description Available
Colorize.cpt 10995
add color to your mac applications and dialog boxes
opens a files data fork which usually allows you to change personalization codes
DataShaper Demo.sea 92996
No Description Available
dataThief1.0.6.sea 81166
No Description Available
dClass.sea 20367
No Description Available
DeBNDL 1.0.sea 79943
No Description Available
DecisionMethod 5706
No Description Available
Lets you redirect files that have unknown creator codes.
DEICON.cpt 20135
DeIcon, a drag-and-drop utility (Drop Rob-Box), hides the icons of selected files, folders or disks in the Finder, so that only the name is visible. That way, you can stack your files, drag-and-drop utilities, etc. without taking up a lot of room.
DelayCalc™ 1.7.sea 54993
No Description Available
DesignerDr 71129
No Description Available
DeskMates.sea 253780
No Description Available
DeskTop Printer 1.1.cpt 16002
desktop printer architecture, drag and drop under system 7
Desktop Remover.cpt 5544
removes unneeded System 6 desktop file from your System 7 harddrive
Desktop Textures 2.0.sea 325113
No Description Available
No Description Available
DFerase1.0.cpt 16108
data fork eraser
Diet Helper.cpt 8133
mac diet aid
DigSim28.sea 54086
No Description Available
DirectoryMan 1.1.cpt 63818
Drop volumes, files, or folders into this application and DirectoryMan will create a list of all the files enclosed. Holding Option while dragging an object onto DirectoryMan will create a list seperated by Tabs
Disk Charmer 1.4.5.cpt 18656
Mass formatting utility for System 6 or 7. When running, inserted disks are automatically formatted. Under system 6, bad sectors are examined and disk integrity is checked.
DiskDup+ v2.0.cpt 19892
fast floppy disk duplicator
DiskDup+2.11.cpt 22396
DiskDup+ 2.11 was been written to automate as much as possible the sector by sector duplication of a floppy onto one or more duplicates. All controls of the program are displayed by the one control dialog which is always presented by the program.
DiskLibrarianv1.82a 76065
No Description Available
Diskworld DEMO 309582
No Description Available
DOCMakerv3.92.sea 172794
No Description Available
Drawpaint 7224
No Description Available
DropRouter.cpt 24711
DropRouter - Drop files into this program and re-route them to other locations. For example, drop a text file in and move it to a Text Files folder.
DropSave.cpt 4528
With DropSave installed, when you shift click on the title bar of a document in an application which has a “Save As” menu item, the document will zoom down to a region shaped like a document icon.
DropScript.cpt 14476
DropScript is an Application and Script Suite that allows you to create drop-on applications that execute a Frontier script.